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By providing your phone number and/or email address, you declare your express consent to Swiss Trade Desk contacting you by phone and/or secured email. The personal data provided by you are used and stored to handle and process your inquiry and for us to perform our contractual duties in connection with the services chosen by you. Your data are processed and stored for the duration of our business relationship. In addition, we are subject to several duties to retain and document. Finally, the duration of storage is also determined by the statutory limitation periods.

Please note that the use of email and electronic means of communication involves significant risks, such as lack of confidentiality, possible manipulation of contents or sender, dispatch to the wrong recipient, viruses, etc. Swiss Trade Desk does not accept any responsibility for damages in connection with the use of emails and electronic means of communication. Swiss Trade Desk therefore also recommends that you do not send sensitive information by email, that received text is not included in responses and that the email address is newly entered manually each time.

The information and/or documents offered on this website are provided for information purposes only. The products, services, information, and/or documents offered on this website may not be accessible to everyone and not all products and services are available in all countries.

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